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Monday, October 15, 2012

Looking forward

So there have been several things in the news lately that really bother me. One, being teen Amanda Todd, committing suicide after being bullied. That is just not right. What are people teaching their kids? Oh, wait, they are not "teaching" them! More children are being raised by grandparents and step parents, etc. than ever. More parents are wanting to be their kids 'friend' instead of parent. 
And two, is the 14 year old Pakistani girlMalala Yousafzai, who spoke out against the Taliban and was shot for standing up for education for women. I stop and think more and more often 'where is this world going?' And then answer myself 'to Hell in a handbasket'. 

I wish I was able to protect children. I don't think any child should go with out feeling that kind of love, love of a parent. 

My goals for 2012? Well, I want to be a better friend. I want to be in a group or class of people my own age that talks openly about stuff, whether that be in a Sunday school setting or women's group, etc. I feel very left out sometimes. I know I am missing something in that area of fellowship. 
I want to be able to meet someone and introduce them to my son or daughter! But that is a goal that I may not be able to attain. 

So I'm just living day by day, trying to figure all this out. 

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