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Saturday, October 20, 2012

No news on the adoption front

So another week has come and gone. This was the 3rd week in October out of 4 1/2. Why am I keeping up? Because there is supposed to be a very special meeting sometime during this month of October. A meeting that will decide the fate of one child. And in our case, one can assume that no news, is not good news. 
I got anxious Wednesday night and did a whole USA search on AdoptUSkids.org. Not all states participate, but a lot do. I saw a few children that I would inquire about if we were "allowed". They are not in our state, and we have to wait 6 months after our home study was approved before we can attempt to transfer it to another state... we are only 3 months out. So I requested info from those states, of their requirements, etc. 

I kind of do, and kind of don't understand why your home study can only be active in one state at a time. You would think that they want to find these children the best home for them regardless of what state. And once adoption takes place would that not free up state money from that child to be able to put towards another?

I had a really sweet lady from the Baptist Children's Home email me back the next day. If I had the whole "home study" thing to do over again, I would definately go through our local United Methodist Children's Home. I found out way to late that they did home studies. They seemed to me like they cared more. I know that the state has the children's best interest in mind, but what about me? Who's looking out for me?

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